Oral Presenters please upload your presentation files at the same day morning of your presentation. Please check the agenda to find the conference room that you will be presenting at, and arrive 20 mins early to upload your presentations at the appropriate lecture room.


Instructions for Oral Presentations

  1. Unless otherwise notified by your session chair, each talk is allotted 15 minutes. Plan to complete your talk in 12 minutes, allotting the remaining 3 minutes for questions and discussion. Follow any additional instructions given by moderator for each session.
  2. All presentations must be presented in English. No simultaneous translation facilities will be available.
  3. Please prepare your presentation file as a PowerPoint file (save as “.pptx”, PowerPoint 2007 format or later).
  4. Please name your presentation file in this way: Last name of first author_PresentationTitle.
  5. Layout of your presentation is on your own style. However, text on slides should be easily read by the audience. Please include the ICMERS conference logo as attached.


Oral Presentations:

756 KB

Poster Specifications:


E-poster Presenters: please upload your presentation files to the e-poster system.

You may refer to this link for the ePoster design and submission 




Poster Presenters: please bring your printed posters Size A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) at the same day of your presentation.


Poster sessions time: Nov 13 &14

Venue: Building 20 Lobby



Poster Presentations:

278 KB